5 Şubat 2014 Çarşamba

2004 23-25 ocak sistemi

2004   23-25 ocak sistemi


Boğaz Köprüsü’nün halatında hasar

Boğaziçi Köprüsü’nün askı halatlarından birinin fırtınanın etkisiyle yerinden çıkmasının, köprünün yapısal güvenliği yönünden kayda değer bir risk oluşturmadığı bildirildi.

    23 Ocak 2004—  Alınan bilgiye göre, İstanbul’u etkisi altına alan kar yağışı ve rüzgar nedeniyle Boğaziçi Köprüsü’nün Avrupa yakasından Anadolu’ya geçiş güzergahı üzerindeki, “güney yol” olarak adlandırılan güzergahta, köprü ayağından sonraki 2. dikey halatın plakası yarıldı. Plakanın yarılması üzerine halat yerinden çıktı.
Karayolları Genel Müdürlüğü’nce yapılan yazılı açıklamada, Boğaziçi Köprüsü’nün Ortaköy kulesine yakın noktadaki bağlantı elemanına bağlı 2 askı halatından birinin, hızı saatte 100 kilometreye ulaşan rüzgarın etkisiyle bağlantı elemanının kırılması nedeniyle yerinden kurtulduğu belirtildi.
       Köprünün 8 bin 500 tonluk taşıt yolunun tabliyesinin, her iki yönde toplam 236 adet askı halatıyla ana kabloya bağlandığı ifade edildi.

 meteorolojik veriler

sinoptik haritalar
500 hpa jeopotansiyel yükseklik

850 mb sıcaklığı 23 ocak

24 ocak


17062 Istanbul Observations at 00Z 23 Jan 2004

    hPa     m      C      C      %    g/kg    deg   knot     K      K      K 
 1000.0    -17                                                               
  993.0     39   -3.3   -5.4     85   2.59    340     16  270.4  277.6  270.8
  925.0    596   -7.3   -8.2     93   2.24    355     37  271.8  278.1  272.2
  902.0    792   -8.7   -9.7     92   2.04    351     43  272.4  278.1  272.7
  896.0    843   -9.1  -10.1     92   1.98    350     45  272.5  278.1  272.8
  850.0   1249  -11.9  -13.5     88   1.60      0     37  273.7  278.3  273.9
  845.0   1294  -12.2  -13.8     88   1.57      0     37  273.8  278.4  274.1
  837.0   1367  -12.7  -14.2     89   1.53      2     35  274.0  278.5  274.3
  787.0   1836  -13.7  -15.6     85   1.45     15     20  277.9  282.2  278.1
  755.0   2152  -14.3  -16.5     83   1.40      4      5  280.5  284.7  280.7
  744.0   2262  -14.9  -17.1     83   1.35      0      0  281.0  285.1  281.2
  739.0   2313  -15.2  -17.4     83   1.33      0      1  281.2  285.2  281.4
  700.0   2722  -17.5  -19.6     84   1.16    260      9  283.1  286.6  283.3
  678.0   2960  -18.9  -20.9     84   1.07    280     11  284.1  287.4  284.2
  661.0   3149  -20.1  -22.0     85   1.00    288     16  284.8  287.9  285.0
  626.0   3550  -21.2  -23.4     82   0.93    305     26  288.0  291.0  288.2
  579.0   4126  -22.8  -25.5     79   0.83    350     10  292.6  295.3  292.8
  577.0   4151  -22.9  -25.6     79   0.83    346      9  292.8  295.5  293.0
  566.0   4293  -22.6  -25.3     79   0.87    325      3  294.8  297.7  295.0
  563.0   4332  -22.5  -25.2     79   0.88    303      5  295.4  298.3  295.5
  557.0   4410  -22.6  -25.3     78   0.88    260     10  296.2  299.1  296.3
  546.0   4556  -22.7  -25.5     78   0.88    240     15  297.7  300.7  297.9
  528.0   4802  -22.9  -25.9     76   0.88    240     11  300.4  303.3  300.5
  506.0   5113  -24.8  -28.0     74   0.76    240      7  301.7  304.3  301.9
  500.0   5200  -25.3  -28.6     74   0.73    220      7  302.1  304.6  302.3
  491.0   5332  -26.1  -29.5     73   0.68    208      6  302.7  305.1  302.9
  467.0   5693  -29.1  -32.7     71   0.53    176      5  303.4  305.2  303.5
  431.0   6256  -33.9  -38.0     66   0.34    125      2  304.3  305.6  304.4
  400.0   6780  -38.3  -42.9     62   0.22    150      8  305.1  305.9  305.2
  365.0   7395  -43.4                          90     18  306.5         306.5
  330.0   8073  -48.9                          85     26  307.8         307.8
  300.0   8690  -54.7                          80     34  308.1         308.1
  285.0   9016  -57.9                          75     39  308.1         308.1
  272.0   9309  -59.9                          90     44  309.3         309.3
  269.0   9379  -59.4                          95     46  311.1         311.1
  263.0   9521  -58.4                         105     35  314.6         314.6
  255.0   9715  -57.0                         140     21  319.4         319.4
  250.0   9840  -56.1                         170     17  322.5         322.5
  246.0   9943  -54.1                         192     16  327.0         327.0
  240.0  10102  -53.7                         225     14  329.9         329.9
  224.0  10548  -52.6                         245     16  338.2         338.2
  214.0  10842  -51.9                         235     23  343.8         343.8
  212.0  10903  -51.7                         238     24  344.9         344.9
  200.0  11280  -53.1                         260     27  348.5         348.5
  195.0  11443  -53.1                         265     29  351.0         351.0
  176.0  12102  -53.2                         250     27  361.3         361.3
  154.0  12961  -53.3                         250     39  375.2         375.2
  150.0  13130  -53.3                         255     41  378.0         378.0
  144.0  13393  -53.7                         265     38  381.8         381.8
  141.0  13529  -53.9                         259     38  383.7         383.7
  136.0  13759  -54.8                         250     39  386.2         386.2
  125.0  14297  -56.7                         265     44  392.0         392.0
  119.0  14610  -57.9                         260     42  395.4         395.4
  109.0  15165  -57.8                         260     47  405.7         405.7
  105.0  15402  -57.8                         265     51  410.1         410.1
  100.0  15710  -57.7                         275     44  416.0         416.0
   88.9  16455  -55.1                         271     48  435.4         435.4
   85.0  16739  -55.4                         270     49  440.3         440.3
   74.0  17618  -56.5                         285     51  455.9         455.9
   70.0  17970  -56.9                         280     43  462.3         462.3
   69.0  18061  -57.0                         275     41  464.1         464.1
   67.4  18210  -57.1                         275     43  466.9         466.9
   59.8  18959  -61.3                         275     51  473.7         473.7
   59.0  19044  -61.0                         275     52  476.3         476.3
   52.6  19762  -58.1                         279     43  498.9         498.9
   51.0  19956  -58.8                         280     40  501.6         501.6
   50.0  20080  -59.3                         280     41  503.3         503.3
   45.0  20733  -62.1                         270     44  511.9         511.9
   43.3  20972  -63.1                         278     47  515.1         515.1
   43.0  21015  -63.0                         280     48  516.4         516.4
   40.0  21461  -62.0                         285     34  529.6         529.6
   37.0  21943  -61.0                         250     41  544.3         544.3
   36.3  22061  -60.7                         257     42  547.9         547.9
   33.0  22650  -61.6                         290     44  560.6         560.6
   30.0  23240  -62.5                         285     42  573.7         573.7
   29.0  23449  -62.8                         290     47  578.5         578.5
   27.0  23888  -63.3                         290     37  588.9         588.9
   25.0  24362  -63.9                         280     53  600.3         600.3
   23.0  24879  -61.0                         305     27  623.4         623.4
   22.0  25155  -59.4                         280     22  636.0         636.0
   21.8  25211  -59.1                         279     23  638.6         638.6
   20.0  25750  -60.5                         270     35  650.3         650.3
   19.0  26070  -60.0                         270     43  661.5         661.5
   18.5  26236  -59.7                                     667.4         667.4

Station information and sounding indices

                             Station number: 17062
                           Observation time: 040123/0000
                           Station latitude: 40.96
                          Station longitude: 29.08
                          Station elevation: 39.0
                            Showalter index: 19.94
                               Lifted index: 20.35
    LIFT computed using virtual temperature: 20.44
                                SWEAT index: 81.00
                                    K index: -2.20
                         Cross totals index: 11.80
                      Vertical totals index: 13.40
                        Totals totals index: 25.20
      Convective Available Potential Energy: 0.00
             CAPE using virtual temperature: 0.00
                      Convective Inhibition: 0.00
             CINS using virtual temperature: 0.00
                     Bulk Richardson Number: 0.00
          Bulk Richardson Number using CAPV: 0.00
  Temp [K] of the Lifted Condensation Level: 266.17
Pres [hPa] of the Lifted Condensation Level: 938.90
     Mean mixed layer potential temperature: 271.04
              Mean mixed layer mixing ratio: 2.43
              1000 hPa to 500 hPa thickness: 5217.00
Precipitable water [mm] for entire sounding: 7.63

17062 Istanbul Observations at 12Z 23 Jan 2004

    hPa     m      C      C      %    g/kg    deg   knot     K      K      K 
 1000.0     39   -2.9   -5.0     85   2.65    350     16  270.2  277.6  270.7
  943.0    500   -6.8   -8.0     91   2.23    330     24  270.8  277.1  271.2
  925.0    651   -8.1   -9.0     93   2.10    335     26  271.0  276.9  271.4
  879.0   1044  -11.0  -12.7     87   1.65    340     31  272.0  276.7  272.3
  850.0   1303  -12.9  -15.1     84   1.40    350     28  272.6  276.7  272.9
  771.0   2039  -17.8  -19.8     85   1.04    355     20  275.0  278.1  275.2
  764.0   2107  -18.3  -20.2     85   1.01    339     16  275.2  278.2  275.4
  756.0   2186  -17.7  -19.9     83   1.05    320     12  276.7  279.9  276.9
  750.0   2246  -17.2  -19.7     81   1.08    300     13  277.9  281.1  278.0
  746.0   2286  -16.9  -19.5     80   1.10    297     14  278.6  281.9  278.8
  720.0   2550  -18.9  -21.2     82   0.99    280     17  279.3  282.3  279.4
  700.0   2760  -20.5  -22.5     84   0.90    295     16  279.8  282.5  279.9
  696.0   2802  -20.8  -22.8     84   0.89    305     18  279.9  282.6  280.1
  668.0   3106  -22.8  -24.6     85   0.78    305     26  280.9  283.4  281.0
  667.0   3117  -22.9  -24.7     85   0.78    305     26  280.9  283.4  281.1
  636.0   3466  -23.5  -26.6     76   0.69    316     14  284.1  286.3  284.2
  615.0   3712  -22.5  -26.3     71   0.73    323      6  288.0  290.4  288.1
  609.0   3784  -22.9  -26.6     72   0.72    325      4  288.3  290.7  288.5
  604.0   3844  -23.3  -26.8     73   0.71    280      3  288.6  290.9  288.7
  582.0   4115  -24.8  -27.7     77   0.68    215     11  289.9  292.1  290.0
  568.0   4293  -25.8  -28.3     80   0.66    220     14  290.7  292.9  290.8
  559.0   4410  -26.5  -28.7     82   0.64    222     13  291.2  293.4  291.4
  548.0   4552  -27.4  -29.9     79   0.58    225     11  291.8  293.8  291.9
  517.0   4971  -30.1  -33.6     71   0.44    290     11  293.5  294.9  293.5
  510.0   5068  -29.5  -33.1     71   0.46    305     11  295.3  296.9  295.4
  500.0   5210  -29.7  -33.9     67   0.44    290      6  296.8  298.3  296.9
  484.0   5440  -30.7  -34.6     69   0.42    220     10  298.3  299.7  298.4
  468.0   5677  -31.8  -35.3     71   0.41    225      9  299.8  301.3  299.9
  449.0   5970  -33.1  -36.2     74   0.39    270      6  301.8  303.1  301.8
  441.0   6094  -34.1  -37.4     72   0.35    290      4  302.1  303.3  302.2
  400.0   6770  -39.3  -44.0     61   0.19    325      8  303.8  304.6  303.9
  352.0   7621  -46.8                         355     13  305.1         305.1
  335.0   7950  -49.6                         350     13  305.5         305.5
  319.0   8276  -52.5                           2     16  305.8         305.8
  303.0   8606  -54.9                          15     19  307.1         307.1
  300.0   8670  -55.3                          15     19  307.3         307.3
  291.0   8863  -56.2                          20     16  308.7         308.7
  284.0   9018  -56.9                           0     12  309.8         309.8
  278.0   9154  -57.5                         315     11  310.8         310.8
  269.0   9363  -58.5                         325     17  312.4         312.4
  257.0   9653  -54.7                         329     10  322.1         322.1
  255.0   9703  -54.8                         330      9  322.7         322.7
  252.0   9779  -54.8                         295      7  323.7         323.7
  250.0   9830  -54.9                         260      9  324.3         324.3
  248.0   9881  -54.7                         245     12  325.4         325.4
  245.0   9959  -54.3                         235     12  327.0         327.0
  226.0  10475  -52.1                         248     23  338.1         338.1
  216.0  10765  -52.1                         255     29  342.5         342.5
  202.0  11196  -52.1                         250     34  349.1         349.1
  200.0  11260  -52.1                         255     33  350.1         350.1
  194.0  11458  -51.6                         270     36  353.9         353.9
  180.0  11945  -50.5                         261     44  363.4         363.4
  179.0  11982  -50.6                         260     45  363.9         363.9
  150.0  13130  -52.7                         270     39  379.1         379.1
  137.0  13709  -53.7                         275     34  387.3         387.3
  129.0  14093  -54.3                         265     31  392.8         392.8
  100.0  15720  -57.1                         265     44  417.1         417.1
   78.7  17240  -54.9                         269     36  451.2         451.2
   74.0  17629  -57.1                         270     34  454.6         454.6
   70.0  17980  -59.1                         265     38  457.6         457.6
   66.9  18264  -60.3                         268     43  461.0         461.0
   60.0  18944  -61.2                         275     54  473.4         473.4
   58.2  19134  -61.5                         282     49  477.0         477.0
   56.0  19376  -59.6                         290     43  486.5         486.5
   53.8  19627  -57.7                         285     34  496.6         496.6
   52.0  19842  -58.4                         280     27  499.9         499.9
   50.0  20090  -59.1                         290     37  503.8         503.8
   49.0  20217  -58.9                         295     37  507.2         507.2
   46.1  20599  -58.3                         283     40  517.5         517.5
   43.0  21030  -60.6                         270     43  522.2         522.2
   39.0  21635  -63.9                         283     35  528.7         528.7
   37.0  21960  -62.1                         290     30  541.3         541.3
   36.0  22129  -61.2                         270     32  548.0         548.0
   35.3  22250  -60.5                         273     31  552.8         552.8
   33.0  22664  -62.4                         285     29  558.5         558.5
   30.0  23250  -65.1                         280     24  566.6         566.6
   29.5  23352  -65.5                         274     23  568.2         568.2
   28.0  23674  -64.8                         255     20  578.8         578.8
   24.0  24625  -62.6                         270     43  611.1         611.1
   23.0  24888  -62.0                         295     38  620.3         620.3
   22.0  25162  -61.4                         275     42  630.0         630.0
   20.0  25750  -60.1                         280     34  651.5         651.5
   19.0  26072  -58.8                         285     40  665.0         665.0
   18.0  26411  -57.5                         260     39  679.6         679.6
   16.3  27035  -59.3                         277     49  693.3         693.3
   16.0  27152  -59.1                         280     51  697.8         697.8
   15.0  27562  -58.2                         265     48  713.5         713.5
   12.0  28976  -55.4                         250     61  770.6         770.6
   11.0  29528  -54.2                         265     69  794.0         794.0
   10.7  29703  -53.9                                     801.6         801.6

Station information and sounding indices

                             Station number: 17062
                           Observation time: 040123/1200
                           Station latitude: 40.96
                          Station longitude: 29.08
                          Station elevation: 39.0
                            Showalter index: 16.81
                               Lifted index: 16.35
    LIFT computed using virtual temperature: 16.40
                                SWEAT index: 61.99
                                    K index: -0.30
                         Cross totals index: 14.60
                      Vertical totals index: 16.80
                        Totals totals index: 31.40
      Convective Available Potential Energy: 0.00
             CAPE using virtual temperature: 0.00
                      Convective Inhibition: 0.00
             CINS using virtual temperature: 0.00
                     Bulk Richardson Number: 0.00
          Bulk Richardson Number using CAPV: 0.00
  Temp [K] of the Lifted Condensation Level: 266.19
Pres [hPa] of the Lifted Condensation Level: 944.77
     Mean mixed layer potential temperature: 270.57
              Mean mixed layer mixing ratio: 2.42
              1000 hPa to 500 hPa thickness: 5171.00
Precipitable water [mm] for entire sounding: 6.59

17062 Istanbul Observations at 00Z 24 Jan 2004

    hPa     m      C      C      %    g/kg    deg   knot     K      K      K 
 1004.0     39   -4.5   -5.4     93   2.56    330      6  268.3  275.4  268.8
 1003.0     46   -3.3   -9.3     63   1.89    329      7  269.6  274.9  269.9
 1002.0     53   -3.3   -9.3     63   1.89    328      8  269.7  275.0  270.0
 1000.0     67   -3.5  -10.5     58   1.73    325      9  269.6  274.5  269.9
  979.0    233   -4.9  -11.2     61   1.67    305     18  269.9  274.7  270.2
  933.0    609   -8.0  -12.7     69   1.55    310     11  270.5  274.9  270.8
  925.0    676   -8.5  -13.0     70   1.53    305     10  270.6  275.0  270.9
  908.0    819   -9.5  -14.3     68   1.39    270      9  271.0  275.0  271.2
  889.0    982  -10.7  -15.9     66   1.26    255     10  271.5  275.1  271.7
  857.0   1264  -12.7  -18.5     62   1.04    235     12  272.2  275.3  272.4
  850.0   1327  -13.1  -19.1     61   1.00    240     11  272.4  275.4  272.6
  817.0   1625  -15.3  -20.2     66   0.95    280     12  273.1  275.9  273.3
  784.0   1935  -17.7  -21.3     73   0.89    275     14  273.9  276.5  274.0
  767.0   2100  -18.9  -21.9     77   0.87    295     16  274.2  276.9  274.4
  762.0   2150  -19.3  -22.1     78   0.86    295     17  274.4  276.9  274.5
  711.0   2661  -22.4  -24.8     81   0.72    300     31  276.4  278.6  276.5
  700.0   2776  -23.1  -25.4     81   0.70    300     32  276.9  279.0  277.0
  680.0   2988  -23.6  -25.6     84   0.70    290     37  278.6  280.8  278.7
  668.0   3118  -24.0  -25.7     85   0.71    295     37  279.6  281.8  279.8
  663.0   3173  -24.1  -25.8     86   0.71    298     34  280.1  282.3  280.2
  631.0   3537  -19.7  -23.0     75   0.96    315     15  289.1  292.1  289.2
  623.0   3631  -20.1  -23.4     75   0.94    320     10  289.7  292.7  289.9
  609.0   3799  -20.7  -24.0     75   0.91    295      3  290.8  293.8  291.0
  591.0   4021  -21.6  -24.9     75   0.86    285     10  292.3  295.1  292.5
  589.0   4046  -21.7  -25.0     75   0.86    284     11  292.5  295.3  292.7
  573.0   4246  -23.4  -26.5     76   0.77    280     15  292.9  295.4  293.0
  547.0   4582  -26.1  -28.9     78   0.65    295     15  293.5  295.6  293.6
  522.0   4921  -29.0  -31.4     80   0.54    285     17  294.0  295.8  294.1
  514.0   5033  -29.9  -32.2     80   0.50    298     16  294.2  295.9  294.3
  509.0   5102  -28.5  -32.3     70   0.50    306     15  296.7  298.4  296.8
  500.0   5230  -29.1  -35.1     56   0.39    320     13  297.5  298.9  297.6
  492.0   5345  -29.8  -38.0     44   0.29    345     12  298.0  299.1  298.1
  486.0   5433  -30.3  -40.3     37   0.24    344     13  298.4  299.3  298.5
  409.0   6638  -40.1                         332     23  300.9         300.9
  400.0   6790  -41.5                         330     24  301.0         301.0
  388.0   6989  -43.2                         330     25  301.3         301.3
  343.0   7795  -50.3                         345     22  302.6         302.6
  315.0   8351  -55.1                         310     24  303.3         303.3
  300.0   8670  -57.9                         325     26  303.6         303.6
  293.0   8819  -58.7                         320     24  304.5         304.5
  284.0   9018  -57.9                         315     25  308.4         308.4
  274.0   9246  -56.9                         330     26  313.0         313.0
  270.0   9340  -56.5                         320     27  314.9         314.9
  250.0   9830  -54.5                         265     20  324.9         324.9
  239.0  10120  -52.9                         290     24  331.5         331.5
  226.0  10481  -50.9                         273     17  339.9         339.9
  224.0  10538  -51.1                         270     16  340.4         340.4
  210.0  10956  -53.0                         290     25  343.9         343.9
  206.0  11080  -53.5                         290     25  345.0         345.0
  200.0  11270  -53.1                         290     26  348.5         348.5
  195.0  11433  -53.1                         280     23  351.0         351.0
  184.0  11806  -53.2                         290     27  356.7         356.7
  168.0  12391  -53.3                         265     33  365.9         365.9
  150.0  13120  -53.5                         270     41  377.7         377.7
  149.0  13163  -53.5                         270     41  378.3         378.3
  142.0  13472  -53.8                         260     43  383.1         383.1
  120.0  14551  -54.9                         280     30  400.0         400.0
  116.0  14769  -55.1                         265     24  403.5         403.5
  112.0  14994  -55.3                         250     26  407.2         407.2
  107.0  15287  -55.6                         265     28  412.0         412.0
  102.0  15594  -55.9                         261     27  417.1         417.1
  100.0  15720  -55.7                         260     27  419.8         419.8
   90.0  16386  -59.1                         255     44  425.9         425.9
   88.8  16471  -59.5                         260     47  426.7         426.7
   81.0  17051  -56.1                         280     58  445.1         445.1
   74.0  17626  -56.2                         285     43  456.4         456.4
   70.0  17980  -56.3                         270     34  463.6         463.6
   63.0  18648  -56.1                         285     32  478.1         478.1
   62.0  18749  -56.1                         275     26  480.4         480.4
   61.8  18770  -56.1                         274     26  480.8         480.8
   59.0  19059  -57.8                         255     29  483.5         483.5
   54.0  19610  -60.9                         250     29  488.6         488.6
   50.0  20090  -63.7                         260     32  492.9         492.9
   48.3  20301  -64.7                         277     42  495.5         495.5
   48.0  20340  -64.2                         280     44  497.4         497.4
   46.0  20604  -61.2                         280     33  510.9         510.9
   45.0  20740  -59.6                         270     35  518.0         518.0
   44.2  20851  -58.3                         273     37  523.8         523.8
   41.4  21260  -61.1                         283     43  526.7         526.7
   41.0  21320  -60.7                         285     44  529.2         529.2
   38.7  21681  -58.3                         282     34  544.1         544.1
   37.0  21959  -60.0                         280     26  546.8         546.8
   34.0  22482  -63.1                         265     36  551.9         551.9
   32.4  22781  -64.9                         273     39  554.8         554.8
   30.0  23250  -64.5                         285     43  568.2         568.2
   29.0  23459  -63.1                         295     37  577.6         577.6
   27.5  23786  -60.9                         280     30  592.6         592.6
   27.0  23900  -61.2                         275     28  594.9         594.9
   23.0  24889  -63.8                         305     31  615.3         615.3
   22.5  25025  -64.1                         300     29  618.1         618.1
   22.0  25163  -63.7                         295     26  623.3         623.3
   21.0  25450  -62.8                         275     34  634.3         634.3
   20.0  25750  -61.9                         280     39  646.0         646.0
   19.0  26074  -61.1                         285     42  657.9         657.9
   17.0  26776  -59.4                         250     44  684.6         684.6
   14.0  28001  -56.5                         265     58  733.6         733.6
   13.0  28468  -55.4                         270     41  753.2         753.2
   12.0  28974  -54.1                         255     46  774.9         774.9
   11.5  29242  -53.5                         259     53  786.7         786.7
   10.0  30140  -54.1                         270     76  816.5         816.5
    9.7  30336  -52.5                                     829.7         829.7

Station information and sounding indices

                             Station number: 17062
                           Observation time: 040124/0000
                           Station latitude: 40.96
                          Station longitude: 29.08
                          Station elevation: 39.0
                            Showalter index: 18.45
                               Lifted index: 18.98
    LIFT computed using virtual temperature: 19.02
                                SWEAT index: 34.98
                                    K index: -5.40
                         Cross totals index: 10.00
                      Vertical totals index: 16.00
                        Totals totals index: 26.00
      Convective Available Potential Energy: 0.00
             CAPE using virtual temperature: 0.00
                      Convective Inhibition: 0.00
             CINS using virtual temperature: 0.00
                     Bulk Richardson Number: 0.00
          Bulk Richardson Number using CAPV: 0.00
  Temp [K] of the Lifted Condensation Level: 260.64
Pres [hPa] of the Lifted Condensation Level: 884.14
     Mean mixed layer potential temperature: 269.99
              Mean mixed layer mixing ratio: 1.67
              1000 hPa to 500 hPa thickness: 5163.00
Precipitable water [mm] for entire sounding: 5.16

17062 Istanbul Observations at 12Z 24 Jan 2004

    hPa     m      C      C      %    g/kg    deg   knot     K      K      K 
 1003.0     39    1.0   -5.0     64   2.64    180      4  273.9  281.3  274.4
 1000.0     64    0.0   -6.0     64   2.45    185      4  273.1  280.1  273.6
  925.0    680   -6.5   -8.9     83   2.12    200      9  272.7  278.6  273.0
  909.0    816   -7.4  -11.5     73   1.76    205     14  273.1  278.2  273.4
  882.0   1051   -8.9  -15.9     57   1.26    200     15  273.9  277.6  274.1
  853.0   1310  -10.5  -15.4     68   1.36    195     16  274.8  278.8  275.1
  850.0   1337  -10.7  -15.3     69   1.38    195     16  274.9  279.0  275.1
  798.0   1817  -13.7  -17.2     75   1.25    240     17  276.7  280.4  276.9
  766.0   2129  -15.7  -18.5     79   1.17    245     21  277.8  281.3  278.0
  731.0   2478  -18.0  -21.0     77   0.99    250     26  279.1  282.1  279.2
  700.0   2802  -20.1  -23.3     76   0.84    255     23  280.2  282.8  280.3
  677.0   3048  -21.9  -25.4     73   0.72    260     21  280.9  283.2  281.0
  669.0   3136  -22.5  -26.1     72   0.68    252     21  281.2  283.3  281.3
  653.0   3312  -23.2  -26.6     73   0.67    235     21  282.4  284.5  282.5
  591.0   4038  -25.9  -28.9     76   0.60    249     13  287.3  289.3  287.4
  587.0   4087  -26.0  -29.1     75   0.59    250     12  287.8  289.7  287.9
  568.0   4324  -26.5  -29.8     74   0.57    235     15  289.9  291.8  290.0
  555.0   4491  -26.9  -30.3     73   0.56    255     21  291.4  293.2  291.5
  527.0   4864  -27.7  -31.5     70   0.52    265     15  294.7  296.5  294.8
  500.0   5240  -30.1  -33.5     72   0.46    275      8  296.3  297.8  296.4
  495.0   5311  -30.6  -33.9     72   0.44    255      7  296.6  298.1  296.6
  468.0   5709  -33.1  -36.1     74   0.37    220     10  298.2  299.5  298.3
  466.0   5740  -33.3  -36.3     74   0.37    221     10  298.3  299.6  298.4
  457.0   5876  -34.2  -37.7     71   0.33    225     11  298.9  300.1  299.0
  447.0   6031  -35.2  -39.2     67   0.29    215     12  299.6  300.6  299.6
  438.0   6173  -36.1  -40.6     63   0.25    235     12  300.1  301.1  300.2
  430.0   6302  -36.9  -41.9     60   0.23    230     13  300.7  301.5  300.7
  423.0   6415  -37.9                         225     13  300.8         300.8
  400.0   6800  -41.3                         235     14  301.2         301.2
  397.0   6850  -41.7                         240     14  301.3         301.3
  388.0   7003  -43.0                         225     13  301.6         301.6
  363.0   7447  -46.9                         245     15  302.3         302.3
  343.0   7824  -50.1                         233     21  302.8         302.8
  330.0   8074  -51.5                         225     25  304.3         304.3
  300.0   8690  -54.9                         260     29  307.9         307.9
  298.0   8732  -55.1                         260     29  308.1         308.1
  291.0   8883  -55.9                         255     29  309.1         309.1
  267.0   9431  -54.6                         255     30  318.6         318.6
  259.0   9625  -54.2                         270     29  322.1         322.1
  250.0   9850  -53.7                         245     22  326.1         326.1
  246.0   9954  -53.3                         240     27  328.1         328.1
  235.0  10249  -52.3                         246     28  334.0         334.0
  210.0  10975  -53.1                         260     30  343.6         343.6
  200.0  11290  -53.5                         260     30  347.9         347.9
  165.0  12527  -53.9                         240     35  366.9         366.9
  153.0  13013  -54.1                         260     41  374.6         374.6
  150.0  13140  -54.1                         260     38  376.7         376.7
  143.0  13445  -54.4                         250     33  381.3         381.3
  128.0  14153  -55.1                         280     33  392.3         392.3
  100.0  15730  -56.7                         255     38  417.9         417.9
   70.0  17980  -58.5                         280     35  458.9         458.9
   69.0  18070  -58.5                         280     35  460.7         460.7
   63.0  18641  -58.6                         300     30  472.6         472.6
   59.0  19052  -58.7                         280     23  481.4         481.4
   57.0  19269  -58.8                         285     21  486.0         486.0
   51.1  19954  -58.9                         256     34  501.1         501.1
   50.0  20090  -59.7                         250     36  502.4         502.4
   48.0  20344  -61.1                         260     44  504.8         504.8
   47.0  20475  -61.9                         265     43  506.1         506.1
   46.0  20608  -61.1                         270     42  511.1         511.1
   44.3  20842  -59.7                         272     36  520.0         520.0
   42.0  21173  -61.8                         275     27  522.8         522.8
   41.3  21278  -62.5                         280     30  523.6         523.6
   38.0  21789  -63.0                         295     55  534.9         534.9
   36.0  22121  -63.3                         300     48  542.4         542.4
   34.0  22472  -63.7                         275     39  550.4         550.4
   32.0  22844  -64.1                         285     36  559.0         559.0
   31.0  23039  -64.3                         275     38  563.6         563.6
   30.8  23079  -64.3                         277     38  564.5         564.5
   30.0  23240  -63.7                         285     36  570.4         570.4
   28.0  23664  -63.3                         285     47  582.8         582.8
   26.9  23911  -63.1                         284     42  590.1         590.1
   25.3  24293  -58.5                         282     35  613.7         613.7
   24.0  24624  -58.7                         280     28  622.5         622.5
   22.0  25171  -59.0                         265     38  637.3         637.3
   20.1  25739  -59.3                         289     42  653.0         653.0
   20.0  25770  -59.5                         290     42  653.3         653.3
   19.0  26088  -61.5                         265     37  656.8         656.8
   17.4  26633  -64.9                         269     42  662.6         662.6
   17.0  26776  -63.9                         270     43  670.2         670.2
   15.6  27308  -60.3                         284     59  698.8         698.8
   15.0  27557  -56.3                         290     67  719.8         719.8
   14.5  27773  -52.9                         286     65  738.3         738.3
   13.4  28282  -54.1                         275     60  751.0         751.0
   11.0  29569  -50.0                         250     49  809.3         809.3
   10.0  30190  -48.1                         260     72  838.9         838.9
    9.0  30900  -45.9                         270     76  873.0         873.0
    8.0  31693  -43.4                         265     83  912.7         912.7
    7.0  32592  -40.6                         260    115  959.7         959.7
    6.8  32787  -40.0                         260    115  970.2         970.2
    6.2  33410  -38.1                         264    108 1004.4        1004.4
    6.0                                       265    106                     

Station information and sounding indices

                             Station number: 17062
                           Observation time: 040124/1200
                           Station latitude: 40.96
                          Station longitude: 29.08
                          Station elevation: 39.0
                            Showalter index: 14.61
                               Lifted index: 14.15
    LIFT computed using virtual temperature: 14.20
                                SWEAT index: 40.02
                                    K index: 0.90
                         Cross totals index: 14.80
                      Vertical totals index: 19.40
                        Totals totals index: 34.20
      Convective Available Potential Energy: 0.00
             CAPE using virtual temperature: 0.00
                      Convective Inhibition: 0.00
             CINS using virtual temperature: 0.00
                     Bulk Richardson Number: 0.00
          Bulk Richardson Number using CAPV: 0.00
  Temp [K] of the Lifted Condensation Level: 265.15
Pres [hPa] of the Lifted Condensation Level: 903.30
     Mean mixed layer potential temperature: 272.99
              Mean mixed layer mixing ratio: 2.33
              1000 hPa to 500 hPa thickness: 5176.00
Precipitable water [mm] for entire sounding: 6.25 
24-25 ocak  2004 skewt diyagram çıktısı


Günlük meteorolojik veriler 23-24 ocak 2004

2004 ocak sıcaklık anmalisi uzun yıllar (1951-1980)
 Fig 1: Global map

bir kar küreme aracı 24 ocak 2004